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Statement of China Semiconductor Industry Association

On March 31, 2023, the Japanese government announced planned amendments to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act to expand the scope of export controls for semiconductor manufacturing equipment to cover 23 types of equipment across six categories. It is the view of the China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA) that this export control measure by the Japanese government would bring even greater uncertainty to the ecosystem of the global semiconductor industry and CSIA opposes the act of interfering with global trade liberalization, distorting the balance of supply and demand. CSIA hopes that the Japanese government adhere to the principles of free trade and not abuse export control measures to the detriment of the cooperative relationship between the semiconductor industries of China and Japan.

CSIA has submitted comments to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) regarding 23 types of equipment item by item, and the key points are as follows:

- The scope of controlled items is overly broad and far exceeds the internationally accepted list of controlled items, causing great hardship to the enterprises concerned;

- The established process supply chain is likely to be affected by the ambiguous formulation of controlled items. To prevent disruptions to the supply chain, it is important to refrain from expanding export controls and limit the number of controlled items;

- The interests of related Japanese companies could suffer significantly as a result of the control measures, leading to less profit to support their R&D innovation and technology iteration, thereby undermining the competitiveness of Japanese companies in the international market.

The semiconductor industries in China and Japan are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. China enjoys advantages in upstream raw material products, components and packaging; as the largest semiconductor market, it has abundant semiconductor product application scenarios; while Japan is superior in semiconductor equipment, materials, certain semiconductor products and hardware integration. China and Japan share extensive cooperation in the semiconductor industry, and the demand for equipment and materials from Chinese companies continues to grow, while Japanese semiconductor companies also attach great importance to the Chinese market, and two sides have built solid collaboration and mutual trust between the industries. In the event that the Japanese government is determined to jeopardize the well-established cooperative relationship between the Chinese and Japanese semiconductor industries, the CSIA is committed to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of its 900 members and shall call on the Chinese government to take resolute countermeasures.

We hope that the Japanese government could take CSIA's comments into account and facilitate the mutually beneficial development of the semiconductor industries in both countries. We also hope that the semiconductor industries would jointly maintain the existing market-based global division of labor and work together to sustain the prosperity and stability of the global semiconductor industry chain and supply chain.

As always, China's semiconductor industry is committed to openness and cooperation. CSIA calls on all relevant companies, organizations, counterparts and colleagues to speak up with reason in order to mitigate the negative repercussions of this export control amendment on the semiconductor industries in both countries.

April 28, 2023


2023 年3月31日、日本政府は、半導体製造装置の輸出規制対象を6分類23品目に拡大するための外国為替及び外国貿易法の改正案を公表しました。当該措置は、世界の半導体産業のエコシステムにさらに大きな不確実性をもたらします。中国半導体産業協会は、貿易の自由化を妨げ、需給関係を歪めるこの措置に反対しています。日本政府が自由貿易の原則を遵守し、中国と日本の半導体産業間の協力関係を損なう輸出規制措置を濫用しないことを求めます。





中国と日本の半導体産業は相互に依存しあい、促進しあう関係にあります。中国は上流の原材料、コンポーネントやパッケージング領域で一定の強みを有すると同時に、豊富な半導体応用場面と世界最大の半導体市場を持っています。また、日本は半導体装置、材料、特定の半導体製品、およびハードウェアインテグレーションを長所としています。設備や材料に対する中国企業の需要が増え続け、日本の半導体企業も中国市場を非常に重視しているため、両国の半導体産業には深いつながりがあり、良好な協力?信頼関係が築かれています。日本政府がこの良好な協力関係を破壊する動きに固執する場合、当協会は 900社の会員企業の正当な権利と利益を守るために、断固たる措置を取るよう中国政府に呼びかけざるを得ません。





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原文地址《 中国半导体行业协会严正声明!》发布于2023-4-29

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